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Become a RODA Member Today


RODA membership is open to all businesses and organizations dependent on U.S. commercial fishing and seafood according to the dues schedule below. For questions and to discuss other opportunities to become involved with RODA, please contact

To become a RODA member, please use the signup form below and then follow the link to make a payment online, or print the form and mail it with your membership dues.

Mailing Address(Required)
See dues schedule below.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

(Enclose a physical copy of this form with your check or complete the form above prior to mailing)

Please Mail Checks to:

Responsible Offshore Development Alliance
P.O. Box 66704
Washington, D.C. 20035

Or Pay Online: Click here

(Online payments include a 2.9% processing fee)

Suggested Minimum Dues Schedule (01 Jan- 31 Dec)

Vessel with Federal Permits (by LOA)

> 100'
< 50'

Dealer/Processor or Dealer Without Processing

Large (> $5 mil purchases)
Medium ($2-5 mil purchases)
Small (< $2 mil purchases)

Other Categories*

Vessel (State Permit Only)

*Supporter, Patron, and Associate opportunities available upon request.

For a printable membership form click here.

Interested in supporting our efforts?

Make a donation to support RODA today!