NROC and MARCO have partnered with RODA to engage commercial fishermen in the development of updated maps and data for the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portals. The goals of this project include increased collaboration with the fishing industry on the development of products that represent their interests and improved fishing industry trust in regional data products and the data that are being used to inform decisions. To determine the need and potential uses for fisheries data products, design and review draft products, and develop documentation and communications about the appropriate application and use of final data products that are available on the ocean data portals, RODA partnered with fishing industry representatives and organizations.

Example data map from NROC data portal of BOEM wind energy call areas and scallop biomass (from October 24, 2019)
Final Report
The final report summarizes the data that are housed on the Portals, the process for engaging the commercial fishing industry, and the feedback from the industry on potential improvements and updates. It also notes which updates and improvements have already been initiated. Other updates will continue to be scoped and advanced in 2021.
Feedback included to display activity associated with Declared out of Fishery VMS code, reconsider VMS speed thresholds by fishery, consider using fishing year for fisheries where it’s different to calendar year, landings and revenues data would be useful, consider integrating data from NOAA fishing footprints assessments into portals, and support for community aspect of the “Communities at Sea” data on the portals.